Childhood Periods (Pediatric) Vertigo
Why can there be dizziness in children?
As in adults, dizziness and balance disorders can be seen in childhood. Just like in adult patients, pediatric patients may have difficulty in explaining their complaints. In this case, it may be necessary to visit many doctors. In fact, diagnosis can be much more difficult due to the fact that the complaints are more ambiguous in childhood, the child expresses himself more difficult and the causes of dizziness in this period are different. Unlike adults, the inner ear crystal shedding (BPPV), Meniere’s disease is very rare. Dizziness with hearing loss is also rare. The most common dizziness in childhood is called benign and recurrent childhood dizziness (pediatric benign paroxysmal vertigo).
In this clinical disease, the person describes very short-term sudden dizziness or imbalance, which can be repeated frequently. Hearing complaints generally do not happen. Often there are situations when it is active and it passes quickly. Patients come to the pediatricians, the Department of Pediatric Neurology and the Otolaryngology Department. If the correct diagnosis cannot be made, examinations that can be very unnecessary can be performed. This described clinical picture is generally good and the disease will usually heal spontaneously over time. However, the process should be well known, and the patient and family should be given very detailed information.
What can be done when dizziness does not go away by itself?
Medical treatment and rehabilitation can be planned in patients who cannot be controlled. In some of these patients, migraine may develop at an advanced age and adulthood. Very good history should be taken from the patients. How long the complaints have been around, how long it has been and its relationship to changing positions should be questioned. Additional ear complaints (hearing loss, ringing etc.) should be questioned. It should be learned whether there is a history of motion sickness, migraine or dizziness in the family.
Patients should be evaluated together with the Department of Pediatric Neurology and make sure that there are no additional neurological pathologies. Once the correct diagnosis is made, patients should be closely monitored with specific recommendations (such as lifestyle, diet regimens, and in some patients with necessary medical treatments and exercises).